University Class Open Ground Station 

An open source ground station project focused on amateur radio satellites!

Got CubeSats? Or any satellite at all that uses standard amateur bands? Then do we have a professional-grade, flexible ground station for you!

There is an amazing open source project called the Satellite Network Open Ground Station (SatNOGS) run by the Libre Space Foundation. This world-wide network of hundreds of open source ground stations gives amateur radio satellites an incredible global ground station network. It's an incredible resource to amateur radio and open source groups around the world.

SatNOGS is receive only for many reasons, including regulatory compliance. As a satellite operator, however, we need to transmit commands to our satellite in order to operate it. When we realized that we could "piggyback" a transmitter system on top of a SatNOGS station, we started the University Class Open Ground Station (UniClOGS). UniClOGS is a semi-professional, configurable, and open source ground station that can be built for less than $20,000.

UniClOGS is design, built, and operated by the students of the Portland State Aerospace Society (PSAS), an interdisciplinary open source student project at Portland State University. PSAS students also design, build, and fly OreSat CubeSats, including OreSat0, Oregon's first satellite!

The first prototype UniClOGS is on the roof of the Portland State University Engineering Building (1930 SW 4th Avenue). Several other universities around the world are now building their versions of this design, including The Mullard Space Science Lab at University College London and Bronco Space at Cal Poly Pamona.

Status: Operational! We're already tracking and receiving data from satellites with amateur radio.

Based on a SatNOGS

UniClOGS is based on SatNOGS. Go check that project out first before you look at UniClOGS.

UniClOGS is like a larger, louder, and more expensive sibling of SatNOGS.

With an Adorable Logo

It's a unicorn. Whose horn is a 6 turn helical. And yes those are little tiny clogs.

Run by open source software

Small single-board computers, standard PC workstations, and all our servers are running 100% open source software.


Hardware information can be found in our uniclogs-hardware repo on Github.


Software information can be found in our many software repos on Github.